
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lillie Tufford (1871-1941)

Lillie Tufford was one of my maternal great grandmothers.  She was born in Raeford, Hoke County, North Carolina on April 12, 1871 to the marriage of Peter Tufford and Mary Hill.   

On July 25, 1889, Lillie married Evander Wilder McIver in Quewhiffle, Cumberland County, North Carolina.  The ceremony took place in the home of H. W. Hill and was performed by D. K. McDuffie, Justice of the Peace.

The marriage certificate states that Lillie's parents were both deceased.

Family researchers believe that Lillie's mother, Mary, died shortly after Lillie's birth and that her father placed her in an orphanage.

Canadian census records show that Peter Tufford traveled back to his birthplace after Lillie's birth in 1871.  He lived in the Ontario area for several years before moving to North Branch, Michigan where he died in 1890. 

It is also believed by some family researchers that a cousin who operated a store took Lillie out of the orphanage.  She supposedly lived with this cousin's family until she married.

Could this family have been that of Henry William Hill?  Is this Henry William Hill the same H. W. Hill in whose home Lillie and Evander were married?  The search for Lillie in the 1880 census has thus far proved unsuccessful. 

Henry William Hill was a brother to Mary Hill and therefore, an uncle to Lillie.  The 1870 census shows Henry living with his mother, Mary Woods Hill, in Cumberland County, NC.  His occupation is listed as a store clerk.  The 1880 census shows him living with his wife, Annie Benoy, in Moore County, NC.  His occupation is listed as a merchant.

It is believed that Lillie and Evander lived in Southern Pines, North Carolina after their marriage.  They moved to Mississippi prior to 1902 and the death of their daughter, Arabelle Phillips McIver on August 12, 1902.  Family members report that Evander traveled to Mississippi first and the family followed on a train.

The earliest census record for Lillie found to date has been the 1920 census which shows Lillie, Evander and children living in Pearl River, Mississippi.

The following children were born to the marriage of Lillie Tufford and Evander Wilder McIver:
Robert Lee, 1890 NC-1913 MS
Arabelle Phillips, 1893 NC-1902 MS
Minnie, 1895 NC-1979 MS
Flora Jane, 1898 NC-1991 MS
Matthew Ranson, 1901 ?-1976 MS
Ludie Emaline, 1903 MS-1989 MS
Coy Howard, 1907 MS-1993 TX
Lillie passed from this life on February 10, 1941 and is buried in Caesar Cemetery in Pearl River, Mississippi.  It is remembered by family that she was a good cook, especially tea cakes with syrup.

Courtesy of Margo Narcaise

A special "thank you" to Margo Necaise for sharing family information on Lillie.

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